Mission & Vision
La Cumbre Junior High School’s Vision and Mission Statements
Vision Statement:
La Cumbre Junior High School, in partnership with our students, parents, and community, promotes excellence and success for all
students. Students are provided with a rigorous standards-based and Common Core academically enriched curriculum within a
student-centered multicultural environment. Students develop good character habits who are independent readers, thinkers, and
learners. La Cumbre Junior High School students are prepared to meet the diverse challenges of high school and beyond.
The Mission of La Cumbre Junior High School is to:
• Promote and support rigorous academic excellence and the social/emotional/physical well-being of each student.
• Promote and provide equity, ensuring that all students develop the knowledge and skills needed to participate effectively in
community life as workers, citizens, parents, leaders, and role models for future generations.
• Provide technology skills necessary to compete as students and workers.
• Create life-long confident independent learners with communication and problem-solving skills to be successful in high school,
beyond, and in life.