
English (7th /8th)
The English program is based on the California Common Core State Standards. Teachers give balanced attention to the following areas: fiction and non-fiction literature including short stories, novels, poetry, and plays. Writing domains include response to literature, persuasive, narrative, and research papers. Grammar, punctuation, spelling, oral language, and listening skills are also addressed.

The English Language Learner (EL) strand of the English Department is designed for students who have not achieved grade-level proficiency in English to become fluent in reading, writing, and oral English, with the goal of a successful transition from the English Language Development (ELD) program into college prep grade-level courses or honors.

English Support (7th/8th):
English 3D is a small English support class. The course employs high-interest, nonfiction texts to provoke critical thinking and class discussion. The readings also provide a platform for regular written assignments including summaries, justifications, arguments, and research reports. Students in English 3D receive explicit, direct instruction in vocabulary development and language usage. Academic discussion is an important focus of the class and students are given daily collaborative opportunities in one-on-one, small group, and whole-class settings with the aim of building academic confidence and proficiency.


Cathy Borden
English 7th Grade Teacher
805-687-0761 EXT 3546

Alyssa Walsh 
English 7th/8th Grade Teacher
805-687-0761 EXT 3521

Maria Lemus Zavala
English 8th Grade Teacher
805-687-0761 EXT 3547

Josephine Moore
English 8th Grade Teacher
805-687-0761 EXT 3532