Citizenship Rubric

In addition to a letter grade ( A, B, C, D, F ) at La Cumbre Junior High School, students also receive a Citizenship Grade for every class (O, S, N, U). Citizenship grades are based on the following 5 Classroom Expectations:

  • 1. RESPECT – Student treats all property, rules and members of our learning community with respect.
  • 2. CITIZENSHIP, CARING, FAIRNESS – Student puts forth effort, seeks help, helps others, and displays a positive attitude.
  • 3. RESPONSIBILITY, TRUSTWORTHINESS – Student attends class and is on time.
  • 4. RESPONSIBILITY, TRUSTWORTHINESS – Student is prepared, ready to work, and participates in class.
  • 5. RESPONSIBILITY, TRUSTWORTHINESS – Student turns in class work and homework.

Students will be graded on Citizenship as follows:

  • (O) OUTSTANDING – Student exceeds all 5 Classroom Expectations.
  • (S) SATISFACTORY – Student consistently follows the 5 Classroom Expectations.
  • (N) NEEDS IMPROVEMENT – Student often needs to be reminded about Classroom Expectations. Improvement is needed.
  • (U) UNSATISFACTORY – Student demonstrates weakness in the 5 Classroom Expectations and repeatedly needs to be reminded. Citizenship is Unsatisfactory.