Discipline is something done for a student, not to him or her.
At La Cumbre Junior High School, we recognize that seventh and eighth grade is a time when students begin to take on more responsibilities and to make increasingly important choices about their own behavior and academics. We know that children need guidance and experience to make wise choices. Students make mistakes, and we allow for that, encouraging them to learn from their mistakes.
The purpose of this policy is to fortify a system of effective discipline supported by students, school staff and parents. We are making every effort to insure that La Cumbre Junior High School is a safe place for our students and staff members. Working together, we can provide a safe, pleasant and academically rewarding environment in which students can achieve a maximum level of success. Please be aware that school regulations, as required by California State Law, apply during school hours, before school, after school, at any school related activity, and when traveling to school and back home.
Our discipline system works on a scale that increases consequences each time a student is sent into the office by school staff. Consequences move from a contract, to lunch detentions, to in-school suspensions, and, as a last resort, home suspensions. In all of these situations, a Restorative Approach intervention will be used by the classroom teacher, counselor, or administrator.
Principles of the Restorative Approach
- Provide opportunity for dialogue and understanding direct or indirect, between victim and offender as appropriate.
- Encourage collaboration and reintegration of both victims and offenders, rather than coercion and isolation.
- Focus on the harms of the violation rather than the rules that have been broken.
- Find meaningful ways to involve the community (family/class/school).
- Show equal concern and commitment to the victims and offenders.
- Work toward the restoration of victims, empowering them and responding to their needs as they see them.
- Recognize that while obligations may be difficult for offenders, those obligations should not be intended as punishment or harm, and they must be achievable.
- Support offenders, while encouraging them to understand, accept, and carry out their obligations.
We recognize we can’t punish problems away. The restorative difference is taking the time to come together, to give students a voice and the opportunity for them to be heard, allowing them to be more open, more honest, and more eager to find a solution. A component of the restorative process involves asking offenders and victims a set of questions that allow them to reflect on the incident, to determine what might have prompted it, and what corrective actions need to take place to repair the damaged relationships.
La Cumbre Junior High School is a closed campus. No student may leave the campus at any time without the permission of the school attendance office and a written office pass. The Police may cite a student who is off campus without a written school pass. It is a violation of State Law for anyone to enter a campus during school hours unless entry is granted by the school administration. Everyone must stop at the office before coming on campus. Regular school day hours at La Cumbre Junior High School are from 7:25 a.m. until 3:45 p.m..
No student should be absent, tardy, or out of class without a valid reason. School Policy states that you must be in your seat when the tardy bell begins to ring. A student is considered truant when they are absent from school, class, or more than 15 minutes late, without permission.
Using, giving, or selling to another person, or in possession of, drugs, alcohol, weapons, look-alike weapons (example: air soft-pellet gun, rubber knife, etc.) or dangerous objects on campus is strictly forbidden. Any overt act or threat directed at a student, teacher or other school employee is also a serious violation.
Fighting is defined as “causing and/or threatening to cause physical injury to student(s)or school personnel, and/or willfully using force or violence on another.” Pushing, shoving, play-fighting, etc., are all considered to be fighting.
Any student that is rude or confrontational to school personnel is guilty of disrespect. Defiance is refusal to follow a staff member’s directions. Failure to serve detention may be considered defiance of authority.
No student is permitted to use profane or vulgar language at any time while at school or any school activity. Any profanity directed at or about a teacher or any other school employee will be considered an extreme violation. Profanity includes spoken and/or written expression.
Theft is defined as the removal of an object from school or from another person, their backpack, desk, locker, purse, etc. without the knowledge and permission of the owner. The possession of lost or stolen property is also considered theft.
Vandalism is considered willful destruction of school or personal property. The parent or guardian of a minor who willfully cuts, defaces, or otherwise injures in any way, property, real or personal, belonging to the School District, will be liable for all such damages caused by the minor.
Forgery is the act of a student signing a parent’s, teacher’s, or other school employee’s name or altering such signature or other mark such as a grade, date, time, etc. If a student impersonates such person by voice on the telephone, he or she will be guilty of forgery.
The act of smoking or the mere possession of tobacco, cigarettes, and/or electronic cigarettes by a minor is illegal and is considered a violation of this policy. Cigarette lighters, matches or other tobacco related paraphernalia are not allowed on campus at any time.
Firecrackers and other explosives are illegal, dangerous and never permitted at school or any school activity. Simple possession of such materials is a violation of this policy. Lighting or attempting to light or explode such materials is a serious and major violation of school policy
Cheating is considered an action which is not honest. Copying the test or papers of another student is considered cheating. A student who supplies papers or work for someone to copy or does the work for someone is also guilty of cheating. Plagiarism is the act of taking work from another source and turning it in as your own. Plagiarism will be considered as an act of cheating.
Teachers have the authority to develop rules for their individual classrooms. To assure maximum learning, teachers will issue classroom rules which must be followed. Parents will be contacted as necessary if students fail to maintain proper class behavior.
Students violating school rules at any school activity may be asked to leave and further action, as necessary, will be taken. Students having unserved detention or major behavioral violations will not be admitted to school activities. Any misbehavior on school field trips will be considered a violation of school rules.
Students are to remain in assigned areas during snack and lunch. All students with food must remain in the cafeteria or La Cumbre quad. Students who are finished eating may participate in games on the basketball courts and athletic fields during lunch. Students are not permitted in the halls during lunch. Cutting in line, throwing food and/or leaving trash will not be tolerated.
Book bags and back packs are personal property of the owner. No student may pick up a book bag or back pack or open one up without the immediate permission of the owner. Any student found in possession of another student’s book bag or in possession of any materials taken out of the bag will be accused of theft and thus face consequences for theft and/or possession of lost or stolen property.
Responsibility for student dress rests with the parent. While on campus or at any school activity, students will dress in a manner which will not distract, interfere or disrupt the educational program. Clothes must be properly sized. Clothing which is considered unsafe or a health hazard is prohibited.
La Cumbre Junior High School desires to keep the school and students free of the intimidation and harmful influence of gangs or any groups which advocate drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence or disruptive behavior. Therefore, the presence of any attire, which by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute denotes affiliation with, or membership in such a group is strictly prohibited. The school administration shall have the right to designate which types of dress, fashion, fads, or appearance disrupt or detract from the educational program and may be a potential safety hazard.
The La Cumbre Junior High School standards of student attire are as follows:
- Footwear that covers the toes must be worn at all times. Heels higher than two inches and backless shoes are inappropriate.
- Pants must be worn at the waistline with buttocks and undergarments covered. Shorts, skirts, etc. must extend in length to the end of the fingertips.
- Shirts and tops must be long enough to cover the stomach and back at all times, yet not longer than the end of the fingertips. Low-cut tops are not permitted. Tank top blouses should be 1.5” wide on the shoulder. No spaghetti straps. No transparent see-through tops.
- Undergarments must be worn and must not be visible at any time. Pajamas and slippers are prohibited.
- Hats, beenies, caps, headbands, hair nets, and bandannas are not allowed on campus. Sweatshirt hoods must remain down during school hours.
- Accessories, such as wallet chains, sunglasses, belt buckles with punched out letters, socks pulled up to the hem of shorts, jewelry or piercings that may pose a safety hazard, is gang related, or that distracts from the educational process is not permitted. Earrings (hoops) must be smaller than two inches in diameter. Belts must not extend more than four inches past the buckle.
- Emblems, advertising, pictures, slogans, logos, or writing on clothing, backpacks, jewelry, and/or school supplies which by their controversial or obscene nature must not disrupt the educational setting, nor advocate drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, violence, disrespect, vandalism, or in any way display profanity, obscene illustrations, illegal activity or degrade any gender, cultural, religious or ethnic values, nor promote one ethnic group over another.
Bullying is prohibited. Inappropriate behavior that includes a significant social or physical imbalance between a perpetrator and a victim, with potentially harmful words or actions being repeated over sufficient time to cause being at school to become grossly uncomfortable for the victim, is considered to be bullying and will not be tolerated.
Sexual harassment of or by any employee or of or by any student shall not be allowed. Sexual harassment is prohibited by the Santa Barbara Unified School District and may result in disciplinary action to the offending employee or student. Sexual harassment means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone under any of the conditions delineated in California Education Code. An individual or group feeling subjected to sexual harassment should directly inform the offending person/persons that such conduct must stop. Incidents of sexual harassment should be reported to school administration.
Items which are dangerous, problematic or distractive are banned from campus. Contraband items that are brought on campus will be confiscated. Confiscated items may be held for a parent to pick up, held for the remainder of the semester, held for the remainder of the school year, turned over to the District, or turned over to law enforcement authorities. Items being held for a parent, and not picked up by the end of the school year will be donated to charity or discarded. The school will not be responsible for the loss or destruction of contraband items. Contraband items include, but are not limited to:
- Any item that is illegal for minors to possess.
- Any item that poses a danger or is disruptive to the educational process.
- All medication (prescription and over-the-counter) must be checked into the office by a parent or guardian. Arrangements will be made for the student to use the medicine under the supervision of office staff. Students may not carry medication (prescription or otherwise) on campus unless arrangements have been made in writing by a doctor and the Griffiths office staff.
- Items that have no educational purpose including but not limited to gum, permanent marking pens, imitation electronic cigarettes
Cell phones are permitted on campus in accordance with California State law. In accordance with that law, cell phones must remain put away, turned off and not used on campus during the school day (7:25 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.) Electronics and cell phones may not be seen, heard, or used, during the school day. Cell phones and other electronic items brought to school, are brought entirely at the risk of the owner. The school will not be responsible for the loss, theft, or destruction of electronic items or cell phones. Confiscated cell phones/electronics will only be released to a parent.
Failure to comply with the La Cumbre Junior High School Discipline Policy may result in any of the following consequences:
- Referral to a school administrator
- Parent contact or conference
- Assignment of lunch or afterschool detention, Saturday School, or other disciplinary assignment(s)
- Loss of school privileges (i.e. dances, field trips, or other special activities)
- Parent may be required to attend school with their child
- Police notification, student arrest with subsequent legal action
- Alcohol and drug counseling for student and parent
- Community Service
- Up to five days of off-campus or in-school suspension
- Involuntary transfer of the student to another campus within SBUSD
- Referral to a School Attendance Review Board hearing
- Referral for expulsion from the Santa Barbara Unified School District
Suspension is not intended as a punishment, but rather to alert the student and parent that problems are emerging and have reached a serious level that requires parent intervention. The suspended student has disrupted the learning environment or safety of campus. California teachers and school administrators have a moral and legal duty set down in state law and affirmed by the courts to protect the health and safety of students and preserve the integrity of the learning environment.
We are proud of our students at La Cumbre Junior High School. As a reward for the responsibility, hard work, and good citizenship of our students, we offer a variety of extra curricular activities such as: assemblies, athletics, awards, dances, field trips, outings, special activities, etc.. We look forward to seeing our students share in the rewards for their commendable efforts. However, all of the above extra curricular activities are privileges and can be revoked if necessary for poor citizenship, attendance problems, or poor academic performance. In addition to the penalties for violating school rules, the loss of privileges may be added as an additional consequence as deemed necessary by counselors or administration. We believe that all of our students are capable of achieving great things. It is our hope that all our students will be able to participate and enjoy all of the privileges we have planned.
Please call a school administrator any time you have questions about your student’s disciplinary procedures. We want to work with parents as a team for maximum student success!